The Board of Trustees of SLT, as the Multi Academy Trust (MAT), fulfil the role of directors under company law and trustees under charity law and they are charged with exercising the powers and duties of the Multi-Academy Trust. The Board are responsible to the Members of the Trust as well as the parents, pupils and staff at the academies.
The Trustees as directors are responsible for the three core governance functions: ensuring financial probity, setting the strategic direction of the trust and member academies, holding the CEO, LGB and Headteachers to account. Trustees work with the LGBs to ensure the quality of education and financial management provided at each member academy.
The Board of Trustees established an Audit Committee to cover MAT arrangements in all matters relating to financial and procedural accountability, for risk management and for ensuring statutory compliance is completed in line with good practice. The chair and members of the Committee are non-executive members appointed by the Board. The clerk circulates minutes of meetings of the committee to all members of the Board of Directors. The CEO in his or her role as Accounting Officer and the Business & Finance Director (ACEO) and Head of Finance will normally attend meetings. The Audit Committee operates as an advisory board under the MAT Board. The Chairs of each member academy meet to review and monitor MAT performance and focuses on value for money and effectiveness.